Unsung hero! Deedee Jackson stands in the sun to measure today's heat index. She'll do it again and again this afternoon to make sure our students stay safe.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Sirginnis
A woman stands in the grass holding a small orange instrument
JCS transportation department meets weekly to brainstorm and troubleshoot.
over 1 year ago, Sara Crum
JCS transportation department meets weekly to brainstorm and troubleshoot.
West High's Ms. Mitchell supports her students by modeling dimensional analysis
over 1 year ago, Brittany Cox
teacher at whiteboard
Lots of student discourse at Warner this morning! #engagement
over 1 year ago, Lori Jones
student discourse Warner
student discourse
Ms. Husted at Red Oak is rocking PBIS structures in a class meeting at the end of the day! #positivebehaviorinterventions
over 1 year ago, Lori Jones
class meeting
Angie Burton is a model for creating a classroom with exemplary culture of learning. Expectations and structures are clear. Students fully engaged during stations. The atmosphere is kind, but demanding of excellence. Angie and Ben Gerken partner in leading co-taught instruction.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Cox
co-teachers at work
Principal Schuerman meets with students to discuss the BES choices that lead to excellence.
over 1 year ago, Lori Jones
Principal Hawboldt and the EJHS leadership team are making their continuous improvement visible with a SIG and attendance data wall! #student-centered
over 1 year ago, Lori Jones
data wall
Ms Crockett is showing her Warner 4th grade students basic call and response techniques by using their bodies!
over 1 year ago, Amy Harrod
Warner music
Mr. Rod Butler facilitates learning partnerships with students through CLS class mission, ground rules, core values and jobs! #BES
over 1 year ago, Lori Jones
CLS Discussion
Ms. Pinney is laying the foundation with the elements of art with her 6th grade WJMS students.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Cox
teacher assists students
Ms. Sasha and Marley working hard to make Warner kiddos feel welcomed this morning.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Cox
welcoming students
I caught Rosenwald Dunbar teachers working on success criteria this afternoon in grade level meetings!
over 1 year ago, Hannah Campbell
teachers at conference table looking at Google slide deck together
After a very busy summer welcoming new hires, our Human Resources team celebrates the first week of school!
over 1 year ago, Kelly Sirginnis
The staff of Human Resources stand in a line wearing yellow JCS tshirts
Looking good, EJMS, way to represent our harmony!
over 1 year ago, Patrice Jones
EJMS Staff
East Middle teachers are kicking off the year with an opening day celebration!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Cox
east middle staff
Our transportation team prepped for the first day with an 8 hour update at WJHS. It's great to be back!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Cox
Transportation Staff Update
WJMS teacher Stephanie Moulton welcomes student voice during the co-creation of social contracts.
over 1 year ago, Brittany Cox
social contract
social contract
social contract
It takes a team to ensure lunch at East High runs smoothly. Coach Bowlin gives instructions to students while Mr. Kenealy runs trash cans up and down aisles.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Sirginnis
Mr. Bowlin speaks on a microphone
Mr. Kenealy helps in the cafeteria
On the second day of school at East High, Ms. Lau's Biology students describe ways scientists demonstrate the Graduate Profile attributes. The small-group brainstorming assignment serves as prewriting for the social contract that the class will develop later this week.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Sirginnis
A teacher leans in to talk to a small group of students
A blank copy of the assignment
A sample of student work